Front Porch Reflections: Choosing Family Over Consumerism this Thanksgiving

Front Porch Reflections: Choosing Family Over Consumerism this Thanksgiving

At The Joggle Factory, we believe in the sanctity of family and the cherished moments spent together. We invite you to reconsider the frenzy of Black Friday consumerism and, instead, embrace the joy of spending quality time with your loved ones on Thanksgiving. Let your front porch be a place of reflection and connection rather than a battleground for shopping deals.


Family First, Deals Second

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on gratitude and celebrate the warmth of family bonds. Instead of succumbing to the chaos of Black Friday deals, choose to prioritize the presence of your loved ones over the allure of discounts.


The Front Porch as a Gathering Space

Our front porches symbolize togetherness, making them the perfect place to host family gatherings. Use this space to connect, share stories, and create lasting memories, fostering an atmosphere of closeness and joy.


Quality Time Trumps Bargain Hunts

Rather than standing in lines or scrolling through online deals, invest your time in activities that truly matter. Play games, share a meal, or enjoy a leisurely afternoon on your joggling board—the dividends of these moments far exceed any savings from Black Friday shopping.


Meaningful Conversations

Use the holiday as an opportunity for meaningful conversations. Discuss aspirations, share stories, and connect on a deeper level. These exchanges create bonds that no material possession can replace.


The Impact on Mental Well-Being

Black Friday can be overwhelming, both mentally and emotionally. The pressure to secure deals and the chaos of crowded stores can take a toll on well-being. Opting for a quieter, family-centered day contributes to a more relaxed and fulfilling holiday experience.


Appreciating What You Have

Thanksgiving is a celebration of gratitude for the blessings we already have. Instead of focusing on acquiring more, take this time to appreciate the abundance of love, connection, and shared moments within your family.


A Front Porch Picnic

Consider having a cozy picnic on your front porch instead of braving the Black Friday crowds. Pack some simple treats, enjoy the fresh air, and revel in the joy of each other's company.


Encouraging Mindful Traditions

Create traditions that center around family togetherness rather than consumerism. Whether it's a shared storytelling session, a porch sing-along, or a family game night, these traditions become the heart of your holiday celebrations.


Supporting Local Businesses

If you do choose to shop, consider supporting local businesses or artisans rather than contributing to the mass consumerism of Black Friday. It's a way to give back to your community while avoiding the chaos of big-box stores.


Crafting Lasting Memories

Ultimately, the true value of Thanksgiving lies in the memories you create. Choose to spend this time crafting moments that will be remembered fondly, where the emphasis is on love, laughter, and the joy of being surrounded by the ones you hold dear.

At The Joggle Factory, we encourage you to make your front porch a sanctuary of connection and reflection, a place where the essence of Thanksgiving is experienced in its fullest. This year, let family be the focus and choose the simplicity of togetherness over the chaos of consumerism.

Outland Family Thanksgiving Picture


Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!
Chris, Kristi, Wiley, Oliver & Luella Outland

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