Happy New Year: Embrace the Beauty of Simple Resolutions

Happy New Year: Embrace the Beauty of Simple Resolutions

Every New Year, we raise our glasses and make grand declarations of self-improvement, only to find those resolutions slip away as the months fly by. But this year, let’s turn the tide. Let’s make resolutions that are simple, tangible, and enduring – resolutions that bring us closer to what truly matters.


Spend Time with Loved Ones

Amid the rush of life, we sometimes forget the warmth of family, the joy of friends, and the camaraderie of neighbors. Make a pledge to share moments with those who truly matter, carving out time for laughter, stories, and cherished connections.


Blend Old Traditions with New

Let's honor the past by holding onto traditions that define us, while also embracing the excitement of creating new ones. Whether it's a time-honored recipe passed through generations or a fresh holiday ritual, these traditions weave a tapestry of memories.


Embrace the Slow and Analog

In a world of instant gratification and digital frenzy, resolve to slow down. Appreciate the beauty in analog moments – flipping the pages of a book, savoring a handwritten letter, or relishing the taste of a home-cooked meal made with love.


Seek Beauty Beyond Convenience

Let’s shift our focus from mere ease or affordability to the inherent beauty around us. Instead of seeking what's convenient, let's seek what’s genuine, what’s authentic, and what truly resonates with our soul.


This year, let's make resolutions that are more than just promises. Let's make commitments that enrich our lives, bring us closer to our loved ones, and foster an appreciation for the simple joys that surround us every day.

Join us on this journey of making resolutions that stand the test of time, resolutions that infuse our lives with meaning and authenticity.

Happy New Year


Here’s to a year of embracing the beauty in simplicity, nurturing relationships, and creating moments that last a lifetime.


Happy New Year!
Chris, Kristi, Wiley, Oliver & Luella Outland

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