Happy Valentines Day!!

Happy Valentines Day!!

Love is in the air.

Chris from the coast of South Carolina and Kristi, from the mountains of Virginia, share a passion for the outdoors, good conversation and cold libations.  After meeting in 2005, these passions have blossomed in so many ways.  As they say “birds of a feather, flock together.  After Chris popped the question in 2008, he knew the only gift for his girl would be a joggling board, where they could sit outdoors and enjoy each other’s company on the porch of their first home.  Although Chris is a perpetual procrastinator, he did start looking for a joggling board well before their wedding date and kept hitting dead ends. Rather than find a more attainable gift, he decided to put his wood working skills to good use by designing and building his bride a joggling board.

The Joggle Factory Feature in Charleston Style & Design

Our First Joggling Board

After the big unveil of our first joggling board, we saw there was a larger need to build this Southern staple, not just for the affluent and the Charlestonians, but for everyone….and thus The Joggle Factory was born in 2010.

Each year around Valentine’s Day, I am reminded of why we started our company and how much a joggling board can bring not only lovers together, but family, neighbors and friends.  A joggling board is a true Southern unspoken invitation to have a seat, enjoy a frothy beverage while having an easy conversation.  We hope you will join us.

Happy Valentines Day!!

Chris & Kristi Outland

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