Sending Good Vibes. A special THANK YOU to our customers and our shipping Heros

Sending Good Vibes. A special THANK YOU to our customers and our shipping Heros

Our Customers

Shultz Family Joggling Board

In March of 2020, we received an order from Don Shultz of Granville, OH. Don purchased a 12’ joggling board board for his wife’s birthday. According to Don, his wife loved Charleston and has always wanted a joggling board.

Our team got to work, built, packaged, and said our goodbyes as the Shultz’s family joggling board began its travels to Ohio.

Unfortunately, during its travel, one of the two packages took a wrong turn heading to California, then back tracked and found its way home, sadly damaged.

Don, being the self proclaimed DIY’er, took his damaged joggling board and nursed it back to health.

You see, this is the spirit of our customers. We could have easily filed a claim, built a new joggling board and reshipped to the Shultz family — but why trash our product when it was easily remedied.

Cheers to you Don!! And what craft beer did Don choose???? (Yes he did follow our directions to a tee — get a good local craft beer to assist you with assembly)

“And the beer of choice was Columbus brewing IPA, local craft beer from Columbus, OH brewer. We live just outside Columbus…..GO BUCKEYES!!” — Don Shultz

Our Shipping Heros

Things like this happen all the time, but we need to take a deep breath and understand our world is complicated right now. Due to the ever spreading Covid-19, we have placed a lot of pressure on our shipping industries. We know first hand how short staffed, heavier health restrictions, and HUGE increase in product that needs to be moved has impacted our shipping industries. Take a moment when you see your local delivery drivers, your mail haulers and your freight carriers, say THANK YOU and give them a socially distanced high five!!

Our UPS Driver Our Brother, former woodworker, now Old Dominion Freight Driver

Our Freight Driver  


Thank you to our fabulous customers, and ALL the men and women in the shipping industries — y’all keep the world moving!

Cheers & Good Vibes,

Kristi Outland

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